
Here you can find electronica songs by me that were previously released under the label kaiser-musix and also newer things that were previously unpublished or new versions of old songs with higher resolution. Have fun with it!

Grasland Version 7 high resolution wav file

Dear friends of the music of Ralf Christoph Kaiser and Kaiser Musix and Kaiser Klassix, this grassland symphony in E minor is an electronica work of mine from 2016 that...

On Sale CHF 0.00
Regular priceCHF 8.00

new Dance EP with 5 songs: “Gold is in” by Ralf Christoph Kaiser with Suno as mp3 instant download to mobile with cover graphic

EN:Dear friends of the music of Ralf Christoph Kaiser, today you get the brilliant new dance music with 5 songs as Ep in mp3 format: “Gold is in”There are several...

CHF 5.00

electroncia hit single:"femme fatale kardinale" by ralf christoph kaiser und kaiser-musix als digitaler sofort download in HD Sound 32 bit 48 als wav Datei

hi ihr lieben, heute nacht gibt es den neuen song von ralf christoph kaiser und kaiser-musix mit einem electronica hit: "Femme Fatale Kardinale". Ich hatte heute die Ehre neben einem...

CHF 3.00

neuer electronica Song von Ralf Christoph Kaiser Hybolissimo in HD Sound

Liebe Freunde der Musik von Ralf Christoph Kaiser, heute bekommt Ihr den neuen electronica Hit: Hybolissimo als HD Sound loosless wav Format download. Hybolissimo ist eine Wortschöpfung die mir spontan...

On Sale CHF 2.00
Regular priceCHF 3.00

new EDM song:"Live high"in Ultra HD by Ralf Christoph Kaiser now for download

Dear friends of the music and art of Ralf Christoph Kaiser and kaiser-musix, today you get the Ultra HD Sound EDM hit:"Sie live cheer"... It's a birthday party of the...

CHF 2.00

"Eat and be eaten"the new electro slow mo song by Ralf Christoph Kaiser now here as HD sound download

Dear friends of Ralf Christoph Kaiser's music and art, today I would like to introduce you to the new electro slow mo song:"Eat and be eaten". The song is over...

CHF 3.00

Techno Tock the new free sharing hit by fun combo with Ralf Christoph Kaiser Ultra HD version here in the store together with the cover and the mp3

Dear friends of Ralf Christoph Kaiser's art and music, today you get the new electro song: Techno Tock by Fun Combo with Ralf Christoph Kaiser. Download the free sharing mp3...

CHF 3.00

Concencefactory blurp by Fun Comobo the new mega drap beat hit now as free sharing mp3 and to buy as Ultra HD version

Dear friends of Ralf Christoph Kaiser's music and art, today I would like to introduce you to a new song and share it with you:Concencefactory blurp by fun combo. The...

CHF 3.00

Meta Phyton the new electronica song by Ralf Christoph Kaiser now available for free sharing and in HD

Dear friends of Ralf Christoph Kaiser's music and art, today you can get the new electronica song here:"Meta Phyton"as a free sharing download and for 2.49 you can buy the...

CHF 3.00

now the landing approach with the song:"Nonverbal talking"by Ralf Christoph Kaiser in HD

Dear friends, today you get the new EDM song:"Nonverbal talking"for the official Monday evening"I can't do it anymore"approach... here as a free mp3 and in the store for 2.49 as...

CHF 3.00

New electronica hit single Wonderful World - Parkdeck on Fire EQ by Ralf Christoph Kaiser and Monster Beat in Ultra HD Sound

Dear friends of the music of Ralf Christoph Kaiser and Monster Beat, Today you get the new electronica hit:Wonderful World - Parkdeck on Fire EQ as Ultra HD Sound Version...

CHF 4.00

flying crow complete fan package for producers and musicians with midi, sheet music and wav and settings and tricks

Dear friends of the music and art of Ralf Christoph Kaiser, today I would like to make a new electronica piece with new instrument experiments available for you to download....

CHF 329.00
