Put on the Light in classical version 11.2 with full orchestra in E-minor by Ralf Christoph Kaiser HD Sound wav file download

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Dear friends of the music by Ralf Christoph Kaiser and kaiser-klassix and kaiser-musix, today i give to you the classical version of the song: "Put on the Light" in E minor 110bpm.
You can find the Full Score Lead Sheet and Parts here:

This work is quite difficult and extra ordinary but in my opinion classic did not sound like that before. It is astonishing what classical instruments did play for special sounds in this recording. There are glissandos, staccatos, and many changes of modes in it.
Hope you enjoy this work.

Thank you for your support!

Sincerely yours
Ralf Christoph Kaiser

Dear friends of the music of Ralf Christoph Kaiser, Kaiser Klassix and Kaiser Musix. Today I am giving you a marvel of modern contemporary classics.
You can hear the song here: "Put on the Light" interpreted and performed with purely classical instruments. A full symphony orchestra will play for you. You hear many different ways of playing in the work. There are several staccato spots. A few Glissando passages, a lot louder and quieter and a very expressive way of playing all instruments. Every orchestra member demands the highest precision and the highest presence. The pace at 110 bpm is quite moving. It is played in E minor and con esressivo molto.
I'm really proud that the classic version of this former electronica hit by Kaiser Musix was so successful. It has its very own form of presentation, versatile, powerful and assertive.
The PDF with Full Score Full Orchestra Leadsheet and Parts is available here

You will receive the song here as an HD sound with 24 bit 96 Khz loosless wav file.

I hope you enjoy the piece!
Thanks for your support.

Your Ralf Christoph Kaiser

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