New EP: "Ameropa is calling" with amazing electric guitar solos made by ralf christoph kaiser with suno 2024 as wav Download

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Dear friends of the music of Ralf Christoph Kaiser, today you get a new EP: “Ameropa is calling” with 5 songs with amazing electric guitar solos... They are a bit more unusual pieces but they are fun. Fitting to the current situation in the USA during the presidential elections...

Here is the setlist:

1. collab
2. half prince half price
3. mushroom court
4. weather station 1
5. weather station 2

have fun with it

Thanks for your support!






Liebe Freunde der Musik von Ralf Christoph Kaiser, heute bekommt Ihr eine neue EP: "Ameropa is calling" mit 5 Songs mit amazing electric guitar solos... Es sind etwas ausgefallendere Stücke die aber Spaß bringen. Passend zur aktuellen Situation in den USA während der Präsidenschaftswahlen...

Hier die Setlist:

1. collab
2. half prince half price
3. pilz gericht
4. wetterstation 1
5. wetterstation 2

ich wünsche euch viel Spaß damit

Danke für euren Support!




Translated with (free version)

music made with suno

cover made with adobe firefly