News: by ralf christoph kaiser

Finally new sheet music for small ensembles with the trio of flute, upright bass and trumpet, including an HD sound wav file

By Ralf Christoph Kaiser

endlich neue Noten auch für kleine Besetzung mit dem Trio Querflöte, Upright Bass und Trompete inklusive HD Sound wav File

Dear friends of and the art and music of Ralf Christoph Kaiser, Tonight there are finally the sheet music for the new piece: New Tone Jazz Trio in E-Minor for Upright Bass, Flute and Trumpet in 146 bpm. With this work I dared a new type of composition that breaks the boundaries and listening habits. All schemes and musical rules are used very artistically and at the same time overcome. The upright bass plays a humorous number that is a little bit funny. The trumpet provides a few special melodies and musical themes in ever new facets and the flute takes on the contra part in the clear height. A bit playful, sometimes like a subtle echo. For the most part, however, the flute plays very understandingly and still determines its own style..
The three voices in this New Tone Jazz Trio by Ralf Christoph Kaiser are talking and seem to coordinate. Sometimes they go into each other and accompany each other, sometimes they set accents for each other, but despite the unusual harmonies, all instruments seem to speak a language that is constructive in terms of argumentation.hen.
All in all there are several runs, with moves that are already known from my earlier compositions, but this time in such a way that the boundaries are overcome, as if from realism to surrealism.

Accordingly, the cover also fits very well. It shows three beauties with their surfboards who want to jump into the waves, but instead of the ocean in front of you, you see a sea of clouds and stand on a high plateau above a city with a view of the night sky which is illuminated by the full moon . Like an unconscious dream scene that evokes a fantasy, nature and sports film in the viewer. Large and dominant in the picture is also a large adult whale, which instead of swimming in the deep sea hovers above the clouds in the sky and attracts everyone's attention. The stars twinkle and wander through the picture like glitter and fireworks. Everything together looks mysterious and shrouded in legend with a lot of implied sex appeal and arouses great anticipation for upcoming adventures.r.
The cover photo was designed by Williyam on Adobe Stock and exactly matches the mood and the idea of the jazzy piece of music.
Whoever sees the cover wants to listen to the music immediately and whoever has heard the music wants to understand immediately what it means, because one thing is for sure, the trio is extraordinary and special. Now you can get the sheet music here in the store with full score leadsheet and parts and the HD sound version of the piece in loosless wav format and also the mp3 for the mobile phone.
I wish you a lot of fun with it

Download and buy here:

Best regards
Ralf Kaiser

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Now the new brass ensemble hit Stürmische See by Ralf Christoph Kaiser

By Ralf Christoph Kaiser

Jetzt neu der Brass Ensemble Hit Stürmische See by Ralf Christoph Kaiser

Dear friends of the music and art of Ralf Christoph Kaiser, in the last few weeks I have been working harder on various brass ensemble pieces, which I now want to publish here one by one. I start with this piece: "Stormy Seas" in C-Minor. It's a very intense piece that comes across as poignant and powerful. Everything is there, hope and love, tension and drama, adventure and lust. You get this piece here with full score and parts for brass music. The party can include: tuba, trumpet notated in C, trombone, horn in F, violoncello and violins and double bass. Since chords often appear in the notes, you can bring each instrument almost 3 times and everyone takes on a different voice. Overall, the piece can be performed well with around 7-10 musicians. With this piece you will cause great astonishment in the audience, because it has such force and depth that no one can escape it. If you then interpret the notes a little more freely from the playing style, i.e. with fringing like a little crescendo in some places and swell and so on, then it becomes particularly impressive.
I'm happy to present this piece to you today and thank you for your support!
If you still need something of other parts, please contact me.
Best regards
Ralf Christoph Kaiser

Download here:

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Now the international spoken texts from the treasure of the dwarfs advent calendar as a free PDF download

By Ralf Kaiser

Jetzt neu die internationalen Sprechtexte vom Schatz der Zwerge Adventskalender als free PDF Download

International version of the spoken texts from the musical advent calendar The Treasure of the Dwarfs including illustrations and sketches as a free download

the fabulous fantasy story of the treasure of the dwarfs, finally also as a PDF with all the original spoken texts with new secret sketches from the author

Click here for the Donwload & gt;;

Dear friends of the music and art of Ralf Christoph Kaiser, Kaiser Musix and Company, today I would like to give you the digital spoken texts including illustrations and sketches from me of the treasure of the dwarfs advent calendar in the 6 languages English, French, Italian, Spanish, Russian and German as offer free PDF download.

In the sketches and illustrations, I visualized thrown ideas that came to my mind while listening to the music from this work.

The PDF is free and comprises a total of 131 pages with a file size of 33.3 MB

I am happy if you like this fabulous fantasy total work of art. Perhaps there will also be the opportunity to film this material or perform it on a theater stage with eurythmy or dance performances to live orchestral music. That would be a dream of mine.r.

I am also linking you to the link to the mp3 download of the radio play with speaker and music:

and here you can find the free version of the advent calendar with real doors to open, programmed by Klas Rühling, also on its own website

The cover graphic you see here has been illustrated by Andreas Back. You can find this brilliant illustrator here:


I thank you for your support and wish us all a wonderful and fairytale Advent season.

Your Ralf Christoph Kaiser and Co

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Trombone choir with cello accompaniment 4 Pieces:You lay before me naked and sweet by Ralf Christoph Kaiser

By Ralf Kaiser

Posaunenchor mit Cello Begleitung 4 Pieces: You lay before me naked and sweet by Ralf Christoph Kaiser

Dear friends of the music and sheet music of Ralf Christoph Kaiser, today there is a new classical EP that I am releasing. This includes 4 short pieces that can be performed by 8 musicians. The pieces are written for violoncello and brass. Either 4 cellos and 4 brass instruments can play together, or 2 cellos with double fingerings and 4 brass instruments and woodwinds. For the brass section, I thought of a tuba in bass and 3 trombones in C treble clef. Like the violoncello part, Woodwinds' voice is transposed only 2 octaves higher. With the Woodwinds, four flutes can be used instead of the cellos or in addition to the cellos, depending on how many musicians are available. The simplest small solution is a 4-piece trombone choir and 2 or 4 cellos.

The total playing time of all 4 pieces together is approximately 13 minutes. The individual works are between 2 and 4 minutes long. The works can be played one after the other or as a relaxing break between various other performances as an introduction or prelude.

All in all, these pieces are melodiously calm and carried and give great harmonic joy. These pieces would also go well with an Advent celebration in the run-up to Christmas.

Here are the works in detail:

1. You lay before me naked and sweet in G-Major 89 bpm Playing time: 2:07 min
2. Like a Swan in E-Major 136 bpm Playing time: 3:56 min
3. Its written in the Stars in G-Major 136 bpm Playing time: 2:255
4. It will come easy honey in fis-minor 89 bpm Playing time: 4:05 min

I have written all of these works in the last 4 weeks and tried to put the greatest possible joy and dedication into the music.

In my childhood and youth I loved the trombone choirs that were once played at the Advent Bazaar celebrations in the large foyer of the Free Waldorf School in Überlingen Rengoldshausen.

This solemn sound with pomp and pomp and at the same time loud and with reverberation in this large room has always impressed me very much. A beauty that is clear and concise but at the same time airy and sublime.

I have processed these impressions from back then in these pieces of this classic EP: You lay before me naket and sweet.“.

It is up to you whether the adored object of this title-giving piece is a quiet, mist-shrouded lake, as seen on the cover, or a loved one.

For me this music embodies a little bit of adoration and devoted love with inner contemplation in the depths of one's own soul with a peaceful mood.

Especially now in the Corona time, it may be particularly important to create happy moments for yourself in order to escape the virus and the restrictions in everyday life that are currently associated with it.

With this download package you get the 4 songs in high resolution audio loosless wav format, each with a small version without Woodwinds and in a big version with Woodwinds. In addition, an mp3 of each recording for the mobile phone and the sheet music as a full score full orchestra lead sheet and all parts individually for: cello, trombone choir Brass and Woodwinds.s.

As a treat on top you get 4 very nice atmospheric November photos with autumn fog from me as visuals.

I hope I can make you happy with these works.

Click here to download.

Thanks for your support!

Your Ralf Christoph Kaiser


Here is a short poem dated 11/10/2020 that goes with the title photo on the cover:

The boat lies still at anchor
I am grateful for today
The mist lies low over the lake
I understand myself again in my deepest soul
The mood is calm and beautiful
I make up within myself
In the beyond my music sounds
The happy being here is indulged


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