News: mp3

two new classical works:"Your helping Hand"and"I pic up the Thread"now for free download suitable for chamber orchestras with 5-7 musicians

By Ralf Kaiser

zwei neue klassiche Werke: "Your helping Hand" and "I pic up the Thread" now for free Download geeignet für Kammerorchester mit 5-7 Musikern

Dear friends of music and sheet music by Ralf Christoph Kaiser and Kaiser Musix and Kaisermusixofficial, today I would like to give you a present. The two new classical orchestral works by me:
1. Your Helping Hand - Your saving hand in C-Major
2. I pic up the thread - I'll pick up the thread again in G-Major
You can now download it for free here in the music and sheet music store.
These two works were created on October 17, 2020 and October 18, 2020. They are played in a small cast with the following instruments:
1. Strings, Violin and Violoncello, 2. Brass Tenor Trombone, 3. Woodwinds Flute and 4. Percussion Drumkit.umkit).

"You Helping Hand" can be performed with 5-7 musicians and "I pic up the thread" can also be performed with 5-7 musicians, depending on whether the violoncello plays double stops or the voices are divided between individual musicians.
Here you can download the complete sheet music with full score and parts and a lead sheet with all voices on top of each other.
You also get the High Resolution Audio loosless wav file with 24 bit 96 KHz and an mp3 24 bit 48 KHz of both pieces.
I am happy when this work is performed, which is why I am offering the sheet music here for free this time.
In terms of emotion, both pieces are written in a rather cheerful and hopeful major. They brighten the mind and bring joy. It sounds something like spring and "like being freshly in love" in these two works.
With "Your Helping Hand" - "Your saving hand" there is a hopeful encounter with a loved one who then gives his hand on the astral level, whereby great happiness is experienced.
With "I pic up the thread" - "I'll pick up the thread again" the idea is to take up a beloved activity again, in my case composing classical music, whereby joy and happiness can be experienced.
I think everyone can find his own interpretation of this music that is valid for him. I recommend 86 bpm as the tempo for the performance, i.e. played more carried and walking so that the lustful twists and turns and melodies can be fully savored.
Thank you for your interest in this music!
Have fun with it!

Your Ralf Christoph Kaiser

Click here to download.


I pay homage to your saving hand
with great love and understanding
We love each other in this country
and have the billions from the state
On vacation we go along the beach
and renew our love bond
We fill the measure almost to the brim

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Free The Butterfly new Elecronica EP by now as mp3 version for mobile use available

By Ralf Kaiser

Free The Butterfly new Elecronica EP by now as mp3 version for mobile use available

dear friends of the music by today i give to you the new electronica EP "Free The Butterfly" in mp3 version for mobile use. This EP contains 6 songs in new versions. There are songs with great progress in it. You will hear big beats and big bass as well. And sometimes the trombone or trumpet firering a melody.
These are the songs in it:
01 Free the Butterfly Version 6 (great Trumpet interesting moves)
02 Fanmile Version 4 (big bass and trombone melody groovy)
03 I am Good to me Version 2 (swirling and great multi dimensionally and hopeful lightful)
04 Separating the Truth Version 3 (Dark Ambiente with orchestral Addition groovy)
05 Groove to Night Version 3 (This song will charme you away and abstract the pain inside)
06 Pretty Good Version 3 (You will get center again and you will go through forbidden area in out of space somewhere far from here)
Attention: This music is explicit content that will expand your awareness
So be carefully with it. I love this music anyway because of it's great multidimesionally effects. Sometimes it will be healing as well hearing this stuff.
Have some fun with it.

For mp3 version click here for download

If you want the higher resolution version nearly HD Sound click here

Thank you for your support
Sincerely Yours
Ralf Christoph Kaiser

Dear friends of the music from, today I am releasing the long awaited electronica EP "Free The Butterfly" with 6 songs in the mp3 version for use on the mobile phone. The download is approx. 100 MB.
The songs are all very strong and impressive through the respective musical development in the songs or through interesting beats and basses. The songs shake awake and get under your skin. In this high resolution, many of the smallest details are audible and the spatial effects come into their own. Most of the songs on this EP are multidimensionally mixed and thus expand consciousness. I'm giving a warning about that. Each listener is responsible for the consequences of listening to this music. There is no text in these songs, but the music is still explicit because it is very consciously expanding.
I still love this music very much because it is so interesting and the spatial effects come into play very well. Depending on the mood in which you listen to this music, it sometimes has a healing effect, either relaxing or stimulating, but mostly this music gives something like intergalactically good new food for the soul or has a constructive effect like a vitamin drink or power bar during sport.
However, the music is less suitable for falling asleep.
I hope you enjoy the songs.
Thanks for your support!
Your Ralf Christoph Kaiser

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