Wenn die Liebe wieder sich regt - Ich biete Filespitzen für Sag doch mal Bouillon mit Erdnüssen in Paris

Frühlingsgefühle 4 Alben in einem mit über 40 Songs von Ralf Christoph Kaiser Deutsch Pop in HD Auflösung als Wav

£84.00 Translation missing: en.products.product.regular_price £430.00
wunderschöne Liebes Lieder und Balladen in Form von deutschen Pop Songs - mehrere Hits sind dabei - jetzt kaufen - danke

Liebe Freunde heute kommt meine 4 fach CD raus mit über 40 Top Hits von mir in deutscher Sprache. Es sind Perlen der Liebe und mit viel Gefühl.

Ihr bekommt die Songs in HD Qualität also 24 bit 96 Khz als loosless wav format.


Das ist ein sensationeller Hörgenuss auf einer guten Anlage oder auch am Smartphone mit Kopfhörer.


Es ist eine musikalische Valentinstags Offenbahrung by Ralf Christoph Kaiser


Ich hab alle Songs gemixt und gemastert und die Produktion geleitet und die Texte geschrieben und gechanelt.

Ich wünsche euch viel Freude damit.


Ich berechne pro Song in der hohen HD Auflösung 2,49 Euro und es sind 47 Dateien.

Beim Mastering habe ich die Pegel hoch gezogen so dass die Lautstärke der Songs und der Druck etwas höher ist der rüber kommt über die Boxen. Außerdem habe ich den Bass erhöht und einen 30 Band Equalizer verwendet um die Frequenzen feiner zu justieren als mehrdimensionalen Hörraum.


Ich danke euch für euren Support!


Bitte gebt meinen Kindern immer genug Support und Geld, damit Sie in Ihren Leben glücklich sein können. Das ist mein größtes Anliegen.


Und wenn eine neue Frau für mich dabei mit drin ist die mich nimmt und liebt wäre ich 1000 % Dankbar  ;-)


Happy Valentine


Ralf Christoph Kaiser


Achtung der Download hat 4,84 GB Datenvolumen der auf der Festplatte frei sein muss zum speichern der Songs, aber jedes Byte lohnt sich...


Hier die Set List:

_ la dolce vita_ by Ralf Christoph Kaiser 24 bit 96

_Hagrid macht Tee by Ralf Christoph Kaiser 24 bit 96

alles was wir uns erhofften by Ralf Christoph Kaiser 24 bit 96.wav

bei mir genauso by Ralf Christoph Kaiser 24 bit 96.wav

Beieinander sein by Ralf CHristoph Kaiser 24 bit 96.wav

Danke für das Calippo by Ralf Christoph Kaiser 24 bit 96.wav

danke für die ehre mit dir zu dürfen by Ralf Christoph Kaiser 24 bit 96.wav

Das Glück fliegt dir zu by Ralf Christoph Kaiser 24 bit 96.wav

Die Menge Tobt by Ralf Christoph Kaiser 24 bit 96.wav

Doppel _Cheese by Ralf Christoph Kaiser 24 bit 96.wav

Doppel _Cheese by Ralf Christoph Kaiser 32 bit 192.wav

du bist der geilste schoppen Version 1 by Ralf Christoph Kaiser 24 bit 96.wav

Erdnüsse auf der Brust by Ralf Christoph Kaiser 24 bit 96.wav

Fernsehabend by Ralf Christoph Kaiser 24 bit 96.wav

Fernsehabend by Ralf Christoph Kaiser 32 bit 192.wav

Fragezeichen und Bloomberg mit Dividende auf Warmth by Ralf Christoph Kaiser 24 bit 96.wav

Fuchur der Glücksdrache by Ralf Christoph Kaiser 24 bit 96.wav

Goldenes Echo by Ralf Christoph Kaiser 24 bit 96.wav

Gute Laune im Zusammensein by Ralf Christoph Kaiser 24 bit 96.wav

Hinter Zimmer mit Dimmer by Ralf Christoph Kaiser 24 bit 96.wav

Ich bin heiß auf dich by Ralf Christoph Kaiser 24 bit 96.wav

ich fahre sofort los zu euch by Ralf Christoph Kaiser 24 bit 96.wav

Ich komme in die Bar by Ralf Christoph Kaiser 24 bit 96.wav

Ich komme in die Bar Version 1 by Ralf Christoph Kaiser 24 bit 96.wav

Jetzt ist alles gut by Ralf Christoph Kaiser 24 bit 96

Juli Sommer Nacht by Ralf Christoph Kaiser 24 bit 96.wav

Komm schreib mich an by Ralf Christoph Kaiser 24 bit 96.wav

laue Sommernacht by Ralf Christoph Kaiser 24 bit 96.wav

meine Party by Ralf Christoph Kaiser 24 bit 96.wav

mit Fleisch und Gemüse by Ralf Christoph Kaiser 24 bit 96.wav

mit mir und dir im _run by Ralf Christoph Kaiser 24 bit 96.wav

rein, mein, dein im Sein. by Ralf Christoph Kaiser 24 bit 96.wav

Schlüssel zur Hoffnung by Ralf Christoph Kaiser 96.wav

sekt und kirschen by Ralf Christoph Kaiser 24 bit 48.wav

sie küsst gut by Ralf Christoph Kaiser 24 bit 48.wav

Simsalabim hier ich bin by Ralf Christoph Kaiser 24 bit 96.wav

Spieler mit erweitertem Horizont by Ralf Christoph Kaiser 24 bit 96.wav

stehe neben dir by Ralf Christoph Kaiser 32 bit 192.wav

Summa summarum angekommen by Ralf Christoph Kaiser 24 bit 96.wav

unsere _crew by Ralf Christoph Kaiser 32 bit 192

Verlorener Ort by Ralf Christoph Kaiser 24 bit 96

wir haben erfolg by Ralf Christoph Kaiser 24 bit 96.wav

wir haben erfolg Version 1 by Ralf Christoph Kaiser 24 bit 96..wav

wir haben win win by Ralf Christoph Kaiser 24 bit 48

Wolke Sieben by Ralf Christoph Kaiser 24 bit 48.wav



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amazing electric guitar solos, clear sound, extreemly mixed, with great bass

Now or never in review by ralf christoph kaiser and friends with crew produziert mit suno original Wav Files high resolution

£22.00 Translation missing: en.products.product.regular_price £72.00
if you like an auditiv orgasm you are right with that sound... high resolutiuon HD Sound

Dear friends of Ralf Christoph Kaiser and his crew and band and his musician friends, today I am releasing a new CD with 14 metal songs of the best.

The songs have beautiful electric guitar melodies with amazing solo vibes and play a powerful drum and a strong bass.

With this music I want to say thank you for your support!

We need 1 Euro per song per person to rock the house.

Have fun with it

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

Liebe Freunde von Ralf Christoph Kaiser und seiner Crew und Band und seinen Musiker Freunden, heute veröffentliche ich eine neue CD mit 14 metal Songs vom besten.

Die Songs haben schöne electric guitar melodien mit amazing solo vibes und spielen ein druckvolles drum und einen starken bass.

Ich möchte mit dieser Musik Danke sagen für euren Support!

Pro Song brauchen wir 1 Euro pro Person dann rockt die Bude.

Viel Spaß damit


this are the songs:

lady like with hope

lights up love come down

now or never in review

now or never in review(1)

now or never in review(2)

now or never in review(3)

now or never in review(4)

now or never in review(5)

now or never in review(6)

now or never in review(7)

now or never in review(8)

saving my land

we got it now

winning your love again


Hier noch eine geheime Information für euch... ich habe in dem Download Paket die Songs in zwei Versionen für euch mit drin. 1. in der normalen Version und 2. in einer höheren Auflösung als HD Sound. Dieser ist feiner aufgelöst und bietet mehr Details im Klang. Manche der Songs habe ich persönlich zum Limit gemixt und gemastert mit zusätzlicher Technik und einem 30 Band Equalizer mehr Dimensional und die Bässe mit mehr druck und power gemixt. Das ist real fun....

Deswegen ist das Donwload Paket mit 30 Dateien 1,65 GB groß.


Here's some secret information for you... I have included two versions of the songs in the download package for you. 1. in the normal version and 2. in a higher resolution as HD sound. The latter has a finer resolution and offers more details in the sound. Some of the songs I have personally mixed and mastered to the limit with additional technology and a 30 band equaliser for more dimensionality and bass with more punch and power. This is real fun....

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

That's why the download package with 30 files is 1.65 GB in size.






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amazing 5.1 Surround Sound in Ultra HD High Quality 32 bit 192 Khz

new songs in 5.1 Surround Sound Wav Format High Quality 192 Khz 32 Bit instant download and two videos with dragons

£574.00 Translation missing: en.products.product.regular_price £717.00
sensation in experience with great bass and effects



Dear friends of the music of Ralf Christoph Kaiser,


Today you get 3 very brilliant songs as Suround Sound 5.1 High Quality 192 Khz 32 Bit Wav Files for your Sound Systems

The music comes mega well especially with the spatial effects and the ingenious bass.

The following songs are included:

at Suno ai by Ralf Christoph Kaiser with Suno 5.1 Wav 192 Kht 32 Bit
Sumira the Guardian of Youth 5.1 Suround Sound by Ralf Christoph Kaiser with Suno Wav 192 Kht 32 Bit
Dragon sounds by Ralf Christoph Kaiser with suno 5.1 Surround Sound Wav 192 Kht 32 Bit


In addition you get the two dragons Sumira and the gold blue dragon as graphics in high resolution plus the videos as MP4

Thank you for your support


Your Ralf Christoph Kaiser




Liebe Freunde der Musik von Ralf Christoph Kaiser,


Heute bekommt Ihr 3 sehr geniale Songs als Suround Sound 5.1 High Quality 192 Khz 32 Bit Wav Files for you Sound Systems

Die Musik kommt Mega gut besonders mit den räumlichen Effekten und dem genialen Bass.

Folgende Songs sind mit dabei:

at Suno ai by Ralf Christoph Kaiser with Suno 5.1 Wav 192 Kht 32 Bit

Sumira die Hüterin der Jugend 5.1 Suround Sound by Ralf Christoph Kaiser with Suno Wav 192 Kht 32 Bit

Drachengeräusche by Ralf Christoph Kaiser with suno 5.1 Surround Sound Wav 192 Kht 32 Bit


Dazu bekommt Ihr noch die zwei Drachen Sumira und der Gold blaue Drachen als Grafik in Hoher Auflösung plus die Videos dazu als MP4

Ich danke Euch für euren Support


euer Ralf Christoph Kaiser



Musik Made with Suno.com and Animations with Kling ai and Visuals with Adobe Express and 5.1 Sound with Audition Video Mastering with Final Cut pro and Premiere von Adobe Text translated with deepl.com

attention it is about 3,2 GB Data Volumen


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new Limoband Live Recording in Ultra HD Quality

new CD by Limoband X-Mass Concert 2024 47 minutes music as mp3 as Full HD wav with lyrics and small Video Version

£18.00 Translation missing: en.products.product.regular_price £35.00
amazing real live sound you feel like in live in the room near to us ... get in contact and buy tit now


Dear friends of the music of Limo and Limoband,


Today you get the new Christmas concert CD from Limoband in Full HD 192 Khz and 32 Bit Wav and as mp3 and as a small video in full length...

The following songs are included:

Christmas Concert by Limoband
Good morning sunshine
Tiramisu schmatz schmatz (3 songs in one with two violin parts included)

You also get the lyrics as 3 PDFs

and another PDF with previously unreleased lyrics...

but we will not print and display the lyrics on the website in advance...

We had a lot of fun making music. It was the only Limoband concert that took place with a full line-up this year.

At the beginning of the year there was a Limo Duo concert and now this 47 minute Limoband concert...

Thank you for your support!


Cover by Ralf Christoph Kaiser is a recording of Wega from May 30, 2021

Attention the download is about 4,75 GB because of 192 Khz 32 bit Ultra HD quality...

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)



Liebe Freunde der Musik von Limo und Limoband,


Heute bekommt Ihr die neue Weihnachtskonzert CD von Limoband in Full HD 192 Khz und 32 Bit Wav und als mp3 und als kleines Video in voller Länge...

Folgende Songs sind mit Dabei:

Weihnachtskonzert by Limoband

Guten Morgen Sonnenschein

Tiramisu schmatz schmatz (3 Song in einem mit zwei Geigen Parts inklusive)

Ihr bekommt auch die Lyrics mit dazu als 3 PDFs

und noch ein PDF mit bislang unveröffentlichten Lyrics...

wir werden die lyrics aber nicht mehr vorab auf der Webseite abdrucken und anzeigen...

Wir hatten große Freude beim musizieren. Es war das einzige Limoband Konzert welches in voller Besetzung dieses Jahr statt gefunden hat.

Anfang des Jahres gab es ein Limo Duo konzert und jetzt dieses 47 Minuten Limoband Konzert mit allen aktuellen Members...

Danke für euren Support!

Cover by Ralf Christoph Kaiser ist eine Aufnahme von Wega vom 30. Mai 2021

Achtung der Download ist ca 4,75 GB groß wegen 192 Khz 32 bit Ultra HD Qualität...

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amazing new dance techno trance with hyper mood

new Dance EP with 5 songs: “Gold is in” by Ralf Christoph Kaiser with Suno as mp3 instant download to mobile with cover graphic

you need that for your next party... get it now... you will be thrilled ...

Dear friends of the music of Ralf Christoph Kaiser, today you get the brilliant new dance music with 5 songs as Ep in mp3 format: “Gold is in”
There are several hits. The music puts you in a party mood and puts you in a good mood.
There are techno and trance elements with sound effects built in.
The lyrics are in english and partly like healing mandras and short slogans that bring fun.
Here is the set list:
1. Gold is in
2. i am in your stady cam
3. the night of nights
4. there is some more ale
5. you put on heart lady
Let yourself be surprised by the power of the atmosphere and the beats.
Thank you for your support!
Your Ralf Christoph Kaiser
Liebe Freunde der Musik von Ralf Christoph Kaiser, heute bekommt Ihr die geniale neue Dance Musik mit 5 Songs als Ep im mp3 Format: "Gold is in"
Es sind mehrere Hits dabei. Die Musik versetzt in Party Stimmung und bringt einem Gute Laune.
Es sind techno und trance elemente mit Sound Effecten mit dabei eingebaut.
Die Lyrics sind auf english zun Teil wie heilende Mandras und kurz Sprech Slogans die Spass bringen.
Hier die Set LIste:
1. Gold is in
2. i am in your stady cam
3. the night of nights
4. there is some more ale
5. you put on heart lady
Lasst euch überraschen von der Wucht der Stimmung und den Beats.
Danke für euren Support!
Euer Ralf Christoph Kaiser
Disclaimer: Die Music ist Produziert mit Suno 3.5 und die Texte sind übersetzt mit free Deepl.com

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real live sound crunchy guitars, tube amps, accustic drumkit

Best of 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 by Limoband with Ralf Christoph Kaiser, Arndt Lau and Harald Herbstritt in the original as a free download

£4.00 Translation missing: en.products.product.regular_price £27.00
amazing sound amazing experience

dear friends of the music by ralf christoph kaiser and limoband.
Tonight i will give to you a best of and rare material collection of original limoband recordings live out of rehearsal room. We played all of this compositions and songs the first time while doing the recording. We just did jam on our instruments. This band members are physical recorded on this collection: Arndt Lau on Drums, Harald Herbstritt on Bass and Ralf Christoph Kaiser on E-Guitar and Violin and Vocals.

Hope you enjoy this songs!

Have a Nice Time

Love and Peace


Liebe Freunde der Musik von Ralf Christoph Kaiser und Limoband,

ich habe mich heute entschlossen originale Limoband Live aus dem Proberaum Aufnahmen Best of 2016 - 2019 in der Besetzung mit: Arndt Lau an den Drums , Harald Herbstritt am Bass und Ralf Christoph Kaiser an der E-Gitarre, der Violine und den Vocals zum günstigen Download anzubieten. Es sind viele Hits darunter und rare Fanmaterial Aufnahmen. Insgesamt 42 mp3s mit originalen Live Mitschnitten aus den Proberaum Sessions. Sozusagen eine ultimative Limoband Fan Collection mit uns Dreien.

Die Band Limoband hat ja viele Phasen durchgemacht mit vielen ehemaligen Mitgliedern die früher dabei waren. Die Geschichte der Band ist auf unserer Band Webseite nachzulesen. Seit vielen Jahren spielen wir auf der physischen Ebene inzwischen nur noch in der dreier Combo Arndt Lau an den Drums, Harald Herbstritt am Bass und Ralf Christoph Kaiser an der E-Gitarre, der Violine und den Vocals.

Die Collection gibt es jetzt hier als günstigen Download weil ich möchte, dass diese original Aufnahmen der Band bei denen ich mitgespielt habe so auch im original zu hören sind. Dieser Shop hier bietet eben eine gute Möglichkeit für solche günstigen Downloads an. Auf der Limoband Webseite sind solche größeren Downloads als Free Download schwieriger zu realisieren weil die Webseite älter ist, außerdem reden dort auch noch viele ehemalige Limoband Members mit rein, während ich hier das Recht habe, Aufnahmen an denen ich mitgewirkt habe im original zu veröffentlichen.

Ich wünsche uns jetzt allen viel Freude mit den originalen Live Mitschnitten von Ralf Christoph Kaiser, Arndt Lau und Harald Herbstritt.

Love and Peace



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easy listening wellness

easy listening with a new ep “Recovery” by Ralf Christoph Kaiser with Suno 9 songs as mp3 download

with amazing electric guitar solos get it now


Dear friends of the music of Ralf Christoph Kaiser and Co, today I
would like to introduce you to a new EP with 9 songs, all of which
spread a positive mood and represent wellness for the soul.

The songs feature a smooth bass and a pleasantly light electric guitar.

The music is without vocals and lets you relax.

Here is the setlist:

on a new journey

easy listening

good advice

hope for tomorrow





miracles of life

Enclosed are also two cover photos as PNGs.

Thank you for your support!

Best regards

Ralf Kaiser

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)



Liebe Freunde der Musik von Ralf Christoph Kaiser und Co, heute
möchte ich euch eiune neue EP mit 9 Songs vorstellen, die allesamt
positive Stimmung verbreiten und Wellness für die Seele darstellen.

Mit von der Partie ist ein smoother bass und eine angenehm leichte elektrische Gitarre.

Die Musik kommt ohne Gesang aus und lässt einen enstpannen.


Hier die Setlist:

auf einer neuen reise

easy listening

gute Beratung

hoffnung auf ein morgen





wunder des lebens


Anbei sind auch zwei Coverfots mit dabei als PNGs.


Ich danke euch für euren Support!


Herzliche Grüße

Ralf Kaiser

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new noble noise with alternative rock music in HD and live

Limoband live from the rehearsal room in Munzingen:"Heute Vollrausch"in HD including lyrics, covers and mp3s for mobile

Get it now and experience the new indie hits from Limo Band

Dear friends of Limoband music, last night on 07/26/2023
the three of us met again and played a live concert
with improvisations. 4 songs were created with bass, drums,
Guitar and vocals and two songs also with F-flute. You get
the complete EP here in HD sound quality 24 bit 96 Khz loosless Wav
Format. In addition, the mp3s for mobile use and the cover and the
Lyrics as PDF.

We had a lot of fun yesterday and felt immersed in the music
being in it was very strong again. Thank you to the whole crew
and the fanbase!

Here is the setlist with lyrics:

1. 230726_1146 today Vollrausch by Limoband mastered 24 bit 96 with bass, guitar, drums and vocals

Full of intoxication today

tomorrow sunday
I like you


and enjoy your meal

2. 230726_1147 At the Other End of the Universe by Limoband mastered 24 bit 96 with bass, guitar and drums

3. 230726_1149 You write love letters by Limoband mastered 24 bit 96 with bass, drums, flute and vocals

You write love letters

I stand next to you and come

Your love and your things
At the right moment our fingers touch

Real pangs
Without any jokes

i love your doodle
You take the tip in receipt billions and then
And when are we happy together

Your boss spends one
We are in the house
Thank you, thank you dear mouse


4. 230726_1156 Fifths and Thirds by Limoband mastered 24 bit 96 with bass, flute, drums and vocals

Print school desk

For better delight n

Up and away into the Montafon

Autumn looks good

The silence brings the sandwich

I am in love a lulle


Stormy Worlds

We love their puppies

Attention success
I had wanted me
The mood lifts
The old man forgives
It's mid-summer feeling
On Remembering Falco in the attic room


Tulips on exctasy

Gauntlets for the all-weather witch

I give the last sip

She should live on Ex im Hoch


Here the earth begins to tremble

bells ringingt
anchor lifted
sails moored



fifths and thirds

We joke the stars

The octave excited

I love you

go with you

I understand you better

Our juchee at the lake

The songs are all played impromptu and improvised. Only the lyrics have been prepared in advance.

In the first two songs with electric guitar, the electric guitar is on D
tuned down and voted for the 1 finger barree technique, that is
only tuned in fifths and fourths and octaves from side to side.

On song 2. 230726_1147 At the other end of the universe by
Limoband mastered 24 bit 96 with bass, guitar and drums sounds the
Music a bit like a tonal Myxolidian with a process of unification
which succeeds towards the end and a nice catchy melody at the end

We hope you enjoy the songs and say thank you for your support!


your sodas


PS: The download contains about 50 minutes of music with 1.75 GB of data...






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amazing new experimental electronic art music

new electronica playlist with special effects 15 songs plus 24 illustrations channeled by ralf christoph kaiser with suno and adobe firefly instant download

£8.00 Translation missing: en.products.product.regular_price £10.00
it is like a drug to hear this sound fx, the rhythms and the basses...come and get it



Dear friends of the music of Ralf Christoph Kaiser, today you get new songs of the extra class with electronic sounds and noises that you have not heard before. There are cinematic sound FX and very strong basses that go deep and interesting beats and rhythms. Let yourself also be enchanted by the wonderful digital arts that serve as cover graphics and also work as cell phone wallpapers. There are 24 different ones included in the download package.


You also get the songs as Wav in high resolution for a party that you can entertain with good sound quality...


I promise you this CD and playlist is worth every penny and will inspire you with new music and quality.


The music is channeled by Raf Christoph Kaiser with the help of Suno and the illustrations and cover graphics are created with Adobe Firefly by Ralf Christoph Kaiser.



Have fun with it and please keep me healthy... so that we can continue to have fun together...


Thank you and best regards

Ralf Christoh Kaiser


Translated with DeepL.com (free version)





Liebe Freunde der Music von Ralf Christoph Kaiser, heute bekommt ihr neue songs der extra klasse mit electronischen klängen und geräuschen die ihr so noch nicht vorher gehört habt. Es sind Cinematic Sound FX dabei und sehr starke Bässe die tief rein gehen und interessante Beats und Rhythmen. Lasst euch außerdem verzaubern von den wundervollen digital Arts die als Covergrafiken dienen und auch als Handy Wallpaper funktionieren. Davon sind 24 unterschiedliche im Download Paket mit dabei.


Die Songs bekommt ihr auch als Wav in hoher Auflösung für eine Party die ihr ijn guter sound qualität bespaßen könnt damit...


Ich verspreche euch diese CD und Playliste ist jeden Cent wert und wird euch begeistern mit neuartiger Musik und Qualität.


Die Musik ist gechannelt von Raf Christoph Kaiser mit Hilfe von Suno und die Inllustrationen und Covergrafiken sind erstellt mot Adobe Firefly durch Ralf Christoph Kaiser.



Viel Spaß damit und bitte erhaltet meine Gesundheit... damit wir weiterhin miteinander Spaß haben können...


Danke und Grüße

Ralf Christoh Kaiser


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neue fantastische klassische musik mit schönen melodien

Konstanzer Klassik IV the new classical music CD composed and produced by Ralf Christoph Kaiser now with mp3 and sheet music download including over 100 photos shot by hand as visuals

£430.00 Translation missing: en.products.product.regular_price £5,016.00
Die Befreiung vom Metronom durch sich dehnende und sich verkürzenden Zeitintervalle in perfekter Harmonie der Stimmen zueinander


Dear friends of classical music today we release the Konstanzer
Klassik IV, the new classical CD composed and produced by Ralf Christoph
Kaiser is now available with mp3 and sheet music download including
over 100 photos shot by hand as visuals here in the
www.ralfchristophkaiser.com store...

The sheet music is suitable for small chamber orchestra or for brass bands.

The following pieces belong to this work:

1. the grill master by Ralf Christoph Kaiser 27.05.2023 24 bit 48.mp3

2. bathers at the lake by Ralf Christoph Kaiser 10.06.2023 24 bit 48 full orchestra final with strings.mp3

3. yellow turnips by Ralf Christoph Kaiser 29.06.2023 for score 24 bit 48.mp3

4. peach dessert by Ralf Christoph Kaiser 17.06.2023 for score 24 bit 48.mp3

5. splashing in the pool i wallow in love by Ralf Christoph Kaiser 26.05.2023 in E minor 24 bit 48 final new 2.mp3

6. swimming in the lake in the sunshine by Ralf Christoph Kaiser 04_05_2023 24 bit 48.mp3

7. peace of mind by Ralf Christoph Kaiser 18.06.2023 for score 24 bit 48.mp3

8. longing for the family by Ralf Christoph Kaiser 16.06.2023 for score 24 bit 48.mp3

9. among friends by Ralf Christoph Kaiser 08.07.2023 for score 24 bit 48.mp3

10. warm shower by Ralf Christoph Kaiser 06.07.2023 big Orchestra for score 24 bit 48 final.mp3

Over 100 visuals are included with photos taken by Ralf Christoph Kaiser.

With the purchase of this CD you also get the performance rights for 1 year.

The playing time of the whole program is about 32 minutes.

You have all the leadsheets and parts in the sheet music as PDFs.

The melodies are beautiful and catchy and hopefully positive, sometimes a bit humorous.

Thank you for your support

Best regards

Ralf Kaiser


Liebe Freunde der Klassischen Musik heute veröffentlichen wir die
Konstanzer Klassik IV, die neue Klassik CD komponiert und produziert by
Ralf Christoph Kaiser ist jetzt mit mp3 und Noten Download inklusive
über 100 Fotos die von Hand geschossen sind als Visuals hier erhältlich
im www.ralfchristophkaiser.com store...

Die Noten sind geeignet für Small Chamber Orchestra oder für Blasmusik Kapellen.

Folgende Stücke gehören zu diesem Werk:

1.  Der Grill Meister by Ralf Christoph Kaiser 27.05.2023 24 bit 48.mp3

2. Die Badenden am See by Ralf Christoph Kaiser 10.06.2023 24 bit 48 volles Orchester final mit Streichern.mp3

3. gelbe Rüben by Ralf Christoph Kaiser 29.06.2023 für Score 24 bit 48.mp3

4. Pfirsich Dessert by Ralf Christoph Kaiser 17.06.2023 für Partitur 24 bit 48.mp3

5. plantschen im Pool ich mich in Liebe suhl by Ralf Christoph Kaiser 26.05.2023 in E-Moll 24 bit 48 final neu 2.mp3

6. Schwimmen im See bei Sonnenschein by Ralf Christoph Kaiser 04_05_2023 24 bit 48.mp3

7. Seelenfrieden by Ralf Christoph Kaiser 18.06.2023 für Partitur 24 bit 48.mp3

8. Sehnsucht nach der Familie by Ralf Christoph Kaiser 16.06.2023 für Partitur 24 bit 48.mp3

9. unter Freunden by Ralf Christoph Kaiser 08.07.2023 für Partitur 24 bit 48.mp3

10. warme Dusche by Ralf Christoph Kaiser 06.07.2023 big Orchestra für Partitur 24 bit 48 final.mp3

Hier ein paar Beispiele für die Visuals:

Über 100 Visuals sind dabei mit aus der Hand geschossenen Fotos von Ralf Christoph Kaiser.

Ihr bekommt bei dem Kauf dieser CD auch die Aufführungsrechte für 1 Jahr mit dazu.

Die Spielzeit des gesamten Programms ist ca. 32 Minuten.

Ihr habt hier alle Leadsheets and Parts in den Noten dabei als PDFs.

Die Melodien sind wunderschön und eingängig und hoffnungsvoll positiv gestimmt, teilweise auch etwas humorvoll.

Danke für euren Support


Herzliche Grüße

Ralf Kaiser


 here you can hear the music:

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beautiful music for orchestras and brass bands

Konstanzer Klassik III the new classic album with 10 sensational works from Lake Constance is now available with HD sound and sheet music for orchestra including midi data and visuals

£2,867.00 Translation missing: en.products.product.regular_price £5,016.00
intoxicating music and fabulous visuals from Lake Constance - some homeland songs and memories - exclusive new program

Dear friends of the music and art of Ralf Christoph Kaiser, now
a new program for orchestra is ready: Konstanzer Klassik III with
10 very beautiful pieces. The works are all available in HD sound quality
plus mp3 for the mobile phone with all sheet music, i.e. lead sheet and parts.
Also included are the open Logic Pro X data from the works with the
midi data. In this way, conductors can add additional voices to their orchestra
just bounce to it yourself. Also included in the download package
are over 1 GB of visuals with beautiful photos of Lake Constance
Alpine panorama with lake pictures from Bodanrück to the Hegau mountains
looked. All photo material was taken on more than 10 excursions on the lake
photographed with the camera Canon EOS R and a telephoto lens inside
of the last half year.

You can play the visuals during performances via a video beamer as a slide show.

The CD includes the following works:

1. Spring Delight

2. For you

3. hopeful wishes

4. it is given

5. With all Pomorius

6. Morning dew

7. Physically Alive I am in Love

8. Rainy weather

9. Brussels sprouts with potatoes and pork belly

10. Relocation Preparations

The entire program has a total playing time of 39 minutes and is here
published exclusively in the store for selected orchestras. The CD gives
not hearing it publicly anywhere else, so it's brand new...

The notes always include:


- Full Score Full Orchestra big with all voices in large format

- Full Score Full Orchestra Leadsheet with a small overview for the conductor

- The following instruments are included:

- Basses

- Bassoon

- Drum kit percussion

- Horn Ensemble in F sometimes also in Eb

- Timpani

- Trombone

- Trumpet in B flat sometimes also in A

- tuba

- Cello

- Woodwinds

- in some pieces the clarinet in Bb

- in some pieces the harp

- in some pieces the viola

 If you need more voices for your orchestra, please just those
use original tones and notes and then 1 octave up or
transpose down... Thanks.


If possible, as original as possible, so please never give them
Rape midi notes by quantizing them to 1/8 or 1/4, that does
very painful and sounds less musical. Prefer the original sheet music
play and always count the length of the note during playback and then always
just play... that works best...

I would be very happy about an invitation to your performance, maybe I can set it up and be there...

Thank you 1000 times for your support.


Best regards

Ralph Christopher Kaiser


PS: Total download material: 2.49 GB of data - over 140 beautiful
Photos as visuals - including mp3s for mobile phones - including HD sound wav
Files 24 bit 96 Khz - including open midi data from Logic pro X
by Apple - including cover - including all sheet music as PDF files -
including performance rights for 1 year - approx. 39 minutes playing time
music -

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new EP by Limo Duo with the hit I'm standing at the railing

Limo Duo - Ep - I'm standing at the railing with Ralf and Harald in HD sound including lyrics and covers and mp3s

live sound, grooving and rocking, fun music

Dear friends of Limoband, last night the band met for
another concert in the formation limo duo with Ralf and Harald.
This resulted in 4 songs. You can now buy these here and as
Download HD audio. With that, there are the lyrics and the cover and the
mp3 versions for mobile phones.

Here are the names of the songs included:

1. Rock me Amadeus du Rascal (guitar and bass and vocals)

Rock Me Amadeus

you rascal

with your finger
Sucked the fries
Ketchup mayo smeared
Penetrated the Lurchie

full of prudence
great shame

it was my turn

2. South Seas and Laurels (Fiddle and Bass and Vocals)

South Sea and laurelsn

We'll trim the hedge
The evening goes on broadcast

I slept until 9 am on Sunday
Rehearsed with the band

Resoled grandfather's boots

3. You Gotta Know Better (Flute and Bass and Vocals)

You must know bettern

After the kissing watern
Otherwise we will miss each other
Thank you please hoist the sails now

4. I Stand by the Rail (Guitar and Bass and Vocals)

I stand at the railing

The wind blows through your hair
I couple with you
Salve and Helvetia

With ship ahoy

I love the koi


We thank you for your support!


your sodas


PS: The beautiful one from the cover is included as a wallpaper without text. The download has about 990 MB. Over 27 minutes of music material.

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magical Easter concert by Limoband April 2023

Wir sind - Happy Easter Limoband concert live from Munzingen on April 6th, 2023 HD sound and mp3 and lyrics and cover of the 5 songs

including the hit single:"We are"with violin and bass and drums - buy now and celebrate with us

Dear friends of Limoband music, today you get the 5 songs
to the Happy Easter concert by Limoband Live from Munzingen from

The hit of the evening is the song: "We are" with violin, drums and bass.

You get the 5 songs as HD sound wav files and as mp3 and also the lyrics and the cover.

The download has 1.4 GB as a zip archive.

Here are some more lyrics from the evening:


01. Introducing Happy Easter concert:

in the freestyle

hot pants
and orange
i like it
Thank you I'm living the high life

 02.Humphrey Fidle

03. Happy time

Happy time

Best you'll be mine we'll take as many times as we want and as we can

while we are happy I kiss youich
I miss you
i solve the problem i got the better ring in the ring ding dingg
we win and sing

all yummy riches down better claim
in your sine
better wasted in your prim better get your hands on
I want



04. We are

A hug for three

Billions are in I declare myself ready for your unityt

05. Thank you Thank you

Thank you thank you

I accept
go to your eternal rest
close your eyes lovingly wake up in paradise
and knew it was you
who hoists the sails for me I kissed you awake for this Angels want to live and stay together stay together new beginningsang
in Sturm und Drang off the range

it can be intimate and secret without the crowdsm
I'll go in with you







We thank you for your support and wish you a nice Easter time.

your soda

For all those who prefer to listen to the music for free as an mp3, there is a free sharing download here:


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now online the notes to the CD Konstanzer Klassik by Ralf Christoph Kaiser

Collection of Konstanz classical sheet music and HD sound including mp3s and covers by Ralf Christoph Kaiser May 2022

£24.00 Translation missing: en.products.product.regular_price £430.00
including HD Sound High Resolution Audio Loosless Wav Forman 24 bit 96 Khz and mp3s for mobile phones

Dear friends of the music of Ralf Christoph Kaiser, today you get
the sheet music and the HD Sound Files with 24 bit 96 Khz High Resolution Audio
lossless wav format including the mp3s for the mobile phone and the cover of the CD.

The following works are included:

1. The Surprise Egg

2. The sweet wine I am yours

3. The waltz continues, I'm cheerful about it

4. The view of the mountains

5. The Freestyle Mon Sir please

6. With a little joke and organic soap, Conny has the bow again

7. new wine

8. Gently, gently, I laughed

9th spectacle

10. Joy of Christmas

11. When we waltz again


As you can already see from the titles, the waltz often plays along
purely in these works in combination with 4/4 time in alternation. At the
When I was composing, I sometimes didn't agree on which bar to play
because I notated the pieces improvisationally via channeling
during the live recording. That's why I use the 3/4 time waltz
also included in the 4/4 bar notation, although I changed later
have the 12/8 bar (for example in Die Kür Mon Sir please) there
this both the 4/4 time, as well as the 3/4 time better in combination
can represent.

All the classical works here can also be played in a small
cast are reflected. There are almost always the voices: viola,
Bass, Flute, Oboe, Brass/Trombone/Trumpet and
Timpani/percussion/drum kit. The piece of spectacle is a bit out of the ordinary
frame by a special occupation. Playing here as a trio, so to speak:
cellos, horns and trombones.

In many pieces, for example, the bass plays with 3 voices
Violoncello. The other instruments also have notated chords
with 3 parts, so that either double stops in the strings or
Arpetien are played or actually each per instrument 3
Musicians each one voice plays out the chords.

In the piece "The waltz goes on, I'm cheerful about it".
it for the full sound: 3 cellis, 3 violas, 3 flutes, 3 oboes, 3
Trombones and a drum kit

However, since some voices are duplicated and only transcribed
can also be played as a variant: 1 cello with double stops and 2
Violas, 3 flutes, 1 trombone and 2 oboes plus drum kit.

The percussion voice is always included as a drum kit Krid
ideally you would need a double bass drum with two feet
can be served and a deep lecture or maybe two
differently tuned deep lectures next to each other, the snare and
two cymbals, two ride cymbals of different pitches and a crash
the hi hat and two toms. I think that would be enough for all drum kits
to be able to play voices. I always have the drum kit voice at 4
Fingers recorded, so that with clever division with two feet and
and can be played two hands. The two bass drums with
the two feet could be operated thus replacing the two drums and
the two deep floor toms the slightly higher two different toms
tones. Sometimes the snare is used as a final accent or as a
drum roll. When it comes to cymbals, I often play two different ones
tones. This could either be done with two hands and two ride cymbals
or through the hi hat and a ride cymbal.

If the drum kit is too stressful or unfamiliar in this way
A very simple drum kit could also be used without double bass
and double stand tom and just another percussionist playing
with two drums.

All pieces with full score are included in the download package
Lead sheet and parts for all instruments, plus there is the high
Resolution Audio Wav File 24 bit 96 Khz and one mp3 each for the mobile phone.
On top the cover. with the title graphic looking into the
Swiss Alps above Lake Constance.

If you are still missing voices, please ask me, I can easily deliver them to you.

If you only want to listen to the music in HD sound and as mp3 and the
If you want to use sheet music for your own use, you are well served here with 33 euros
for the whole package. Orchestra or professional musicians the performances
do in public, please like the full license of 600 euros
acquire, so to speak, as performance rights with unlimited numbers
performances and subsequently transfer this amount to: paypal me:
emperor music

I thank you for your support.

Your Ralf Christoph Kaiser


PS: Attention: the download package has a total size of 1.1 GB

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sensational brass notes

The Treasure of the Dwarfs Prehistory Notes Door No. 18-26 Full Score Leadsheet and Parts for Brass Orchestra and Small Chamber Orchestra including mp3s

£6.00 Translation missing: en.products.product.regular_price £215.00
Holiday music in the run-up to Christmas

Dear friends of the music of
Ralf Christoph Kaiser, today on the 3rd Advent 2021 I will publish the
Notes with full score lead sheet and parts from the treasure of the dwarves
Prehistory of door no. 18-26 as PDFs including mp3s of the recordings.

The notes offer a program of approx. 25-30 minutes and contain the following voices for the following instruments:

Flute, horn in F and horn in Eb, bass
Trombone, trumpet in A and trumpet in B, strings with violins and violas
and cellos. Drum kit percussion and Timpani / Celeste sheet music.

If your with a
Brass band performs, then the Woodwinds take over the strings
Parts. The Timpani notes can also be played from a Celeste.
If you perform with timpani, it is best to have two timpani with each
two timpani and or a drummer with a normal drum kit but with 3
Insert basin.

In addition to the sheet music, you will also receive the mp3s of the original recordings from 2021.

Here you can download the advent calendar "Listen to the treasure of the dwarfs prehistory "also on the Internet with the spoken text and the music:

It's very festive music at the
the horns and brass instruments come into their own. There are a few
Pieces in it that can also be performed in a very reduced way
less musicians.

Have a further blessed Advent season to all of you.


Your Ralf Christoph Kaiser


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festive brass music and small chamber orchestra classical music

The treasure of the dwarfs Prehistory Advent calendar sheet music for brass bands and small chamber orchestras approx. 45 minutes program door 0-15

£5.00 Translation missing: en.products.product.regular_price £7.00
Sensationally beautiful chorales and brass instruments

Dear friends of Ralf Christoph Kaiser's music, today
I publish the sheet music for the doors 0-15 of the treasure of the dwarves
Prehistory advent calendar audiobook. You will get grades of 16
Pieces each between 2 and 3 minutes long suitable for
Brass Band or Small Chamber Orchestra.
The following
Sheet music is included: strings with violins and viola and cello and
double bass. Then the horns in F and the horns in Eb and the timpani
and percussion drum kit sheet music.
Timpani notes can also be played by a celeste. Additionally
I would recommend hiring 2 timpani, each with 2 timpani and
a drummer playing a 3-cymbal drum kit.

If the strings notes are represented as piano keyboard at
my sheet music, then the cellos play in the bass and the violins above.

If you want to perform the music with brass band, then the string parts become the woodwinds.
The entire program takes about 40-45 minutes.
In addition to the sheet music, you will also receive an mp3 with the orchestra recording for your mobile phone.

Here you can also listen to the musical advent calendar with music and story directly on the Internet:

The Treasure of the Dwarves Prehistory Advent Calendar

I hope you enjoy these notes and this music.
Doors 16-26 will follow later.
Beautiful Advent
Your Ralf Christoph Kaiser

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The new classic album:"Die token im Pfuhl"by Ralf Christoph Kaiser

new classic album:"Die Unke im Pfuhl"by Ralf Christoph Kaiser with 16 orchestral works and 26 different recordings in high resolution audio including full score and parts including original visuals

ralfchristophkaiser.com Musik und Noten

£502.00 Translation missing: en.products.product.regular_price £645.00
with high resolution audio and full score and parts and original visuals by Ralf Christoph Kaiser

Dear friends of the music of Ralf Christoph Kaiser, Here you get the latest classical album: "Die Unke im Pfuhl" with 16 orchestral works and 26 different recordings with different line-ups in high resolution audio. The download package includes all notes, i.e. full score and parts. Including visuals with photo and video material including mp3 version of all songs for your mobile phone.

I thank you for your support!

Your Ralf Christoph Kaiser

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The treasure of the dwarfs a musical advent calendar

Treasure of the Dwarves Auditory Advent Calendar Package 1 All mp3's with speech

£4.00 Translation missing: en.products.product.regular_price £20.00
wonderful story for the Advent season, fantasy like and magical with beautiful classical music

This year there is again the magical musical advent calendar: "The Treasure of the Dwarfs"

You can expect a fabulous journey of the 4 chosen dwarves through the kingdom of the elves.

This story is over 2 hours long in total with many beautiful classical orchestral works in it. Everything is divided into a total of 26 little doors plus an intro. Approx. 4-6 minutes per door. An ideal story for the whole family in the Advent season.

The following download packages are available

Package 1: all mp3's with language for 4.99 euros:

Package 3: all 2019 versions only music in Ultra HD for 32.88 euros

This pack 3 includes all the new versions of the music with only the music in HD quality Also includes the cover art and the illustration of the 4 dwarfs.

Attention: This package 3 has over 2.4 GB file size in the download!

https://ralfchristophkaiser.com/collections/klassiasche-orchester-musik/products/der-schatz-der-zwerge-auditiver-adventskalender-paket-3-alle-neue-music-versions-von-2019-in-hd- quality

Package 4: Full Score and Parts and HD Sound for EUR 36.33 instead of EUR 600.87

This package 4 is, so to speak, the orchestra master complete package. Here are all sheet music in it and also the HD version of the advent calendar with only music from the new 2019 versions and the mp3 version of everything with speech. Also included is the cover and the illustration of the 4 dwarfs.

Attention: This package 4 has over 4.3 GB file size in the download!

https://ralfchristophkaiser.com/collections/klassiasche-orchester-musik/products/der-schatz-der-zwerge-auditiver-adventskalender-paket-4-mit-all-music-and-hd-version-only-music- the-2019-versions-and-everything-as-mp3-with-speech-and-music-only

Package 5: all 2019 versions only music as mp3 for 16.33 euros

This pack 5 contains all new versions of the music with only the music as mp3 for mobile use. Also included is the cover and the illustration of the 4 dwarfs.


I recommend the 4 Full Score and Parts package to large orchestras who want to perform this work, because everything is included in one complete package.

With all packages there is always the cover photo and the picture showing the 4 chosen dwarves on their journey. This illustration was made by Andreas Back.

I am very pleased to present you this work in the revised version.

Have fun with the advent calendar!


Ralf Christoph Kaiser and team

PS: If you would like to use this advent calendar digitally online on our website instead of buying it here, you will find everything for free on this page, which you can only listen to online:


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Free The Butterfly in High Resolution Sound nearly HD Sound

New Electronica EP by Ralf Christoph Kaiser in High Resolution Quality nearly HD Sound zip Download

get it now



We are - Happy Easter concert by Limoband Live from Munzingen from April 6th, 2023 now in the www.RalfChristophKaiser.com store as HD sound including lyrics

Limoband met on April 6th, 2023 and we gave a concert at Easter 2023. 5 very good songs came out of it. You can now buy LIeve usik in HD quality here in the store at www.ralfchristophkaiser.com . Limo's music...

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Now new unique original works of art directly from the artist in the studio, hand-signed

This work of art Healing Health Mandala has a calming and healing effect, it activates the healing heart chakra energy and stimulates the Hara very gently, embedded in the cosmic spiritual all-one vibration within a hexal calculation system.The work is...

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New orchestra work:It's a new sensation with your vibration by ralf christoph kaiser full score and parts and high resolution audio

Dear friends of RalfChristophKaiser.com, today I'm releasing a new piece here in the store with sheet music and HD sound and mp3 version. The piece is called: It's a new sensation with your vibration. It sounds solemn and festive and...

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