News: Piano

New classic work by ralf christoph kaiser:"What a wonderful night"in B major with High Resoution Wav File and Full Score Leadsheet and Parts

By Ralf Kaiser

Neues klassisches Werk von ralf christoph kaiser: "What a wonderful night" in H-Dur mit High Resoution Wav File und Full Score Leadsheet and Parts

Dear friends of Ralf Christoph Kaiser's music, today I am publishing the orchestral piece: "What a wonderful night" in B major from July 2018 with full score and parts.There is a music video on YouTubewhich goes online tonight and you can get the cover photos and a free mp3. Here you will receive the HD sound file and all notes for classical orchestra.

Thank you for your support!

Your Ralf Christoph Kaiser

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Ultimate Fan Package Into the 20s with full score full orchestra leadhseet and parts and high resolution surround sound

By Ralf Kaiser

Ultimative Fan Package Auf in die 20ger Jahre with full score full orchestra leadhseet and parts and high resolution surround sound

Dear friends of the music of Ralf Christoph Kaiser, today I am publishing the complete fan package "Auf die die 2020s" with all notes for all pieces and also including the "HD Sound Files" and the "Surround Sound Files" of each song.

Click here =>

You will enjoy it. But be careful, the download zip file is about 6 GB in size, so it is not suitable for the mobile phone.
In this archive you will also find an mp3 for each song for your mobile use.
I would be happy if there will be several orchestras performing these pieces. If you still lack voices in the wind music orchestration, please report and ask.
The following three pieces are also arranged for a complete symphony orchestra: Into the 20s, children's hot punch and tagliatelle with carrot vegetables and side salad.
Thank you and I wish you much joy with it.
Your Ralf Christoph Kaiser

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now as announced there is the new classic hit: "The Run" by Ralf Christoph Kaiser in HD sound quality

By Ralf Kaiser

jetzt gibt es wie angekündigt den neuen klassik hit: "The Run" by Ralf Christoph Kaiser in HD Sound Qualität

dear friends of the music by Ralf Christoph Kaiser, today i give to you the new classical symphonic piece: "The Run" in hd sound quality.
Have some fun with it.

Click here:

Sincerely Yours
Ralf Christoph Kaiser
Dear friends of Ralf Christoph Kaiser's music, today I am publishing the classic song: "The Run" in HD sound quality. This symphonic orchestral work has become quite lyrical and hopeful. It could describe a warm summer evening by the sea, when you run barefoot along the beach and turn to the sea. Hand in hand with his lover as seen on the cover. The waves lapping, a ship passing in the distance, the sun is slowly setting, the feet are washed by the water. Pleasant and refreshing. Maybe another dog is jumping around barking at the waves and dancing around us?

I hope you enjoy the piece.
Thanks for your support!

Your Ralf Christoph Kaiser

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New classical hit single: "It would have been so nice" by Ralf Christoph Kaiser in HD Sound for free download

By Ralf Kaiser

New classical hit single: Es hätt' so schö# werde könne" "It would have been so nice" by Ralf Christoph Kaiser in HD Sound for free download

dear friends of the music by Ralf Christoph Kaiser, today i give to you this classical piece of music with piano, orchestra and trombone: "It would have been so nice" "It would have been so nice". This song sounds full of desire and impossible hope, like a real tear jerker.

Click here for free download =>

Have some fun with it.

Sincerely Yours

Ralf Christoph Kaiser

Dear friends of Ralf Christoph Kaiser's music, today I am publishing the new classic hit: "It could have been so beautiful" with piano, orchestra and trombone. It has become a real love snout, longing and repentant at the same time. The memory of a beautiful, hopeful dream that would never come true, but which one always visits to indulge in love.

I hope you enjoy the piece.

You get it in HD quality in loosless wav format as a free download.

Thanks for your support!

Your Ralf Christoph Kaiser

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You will get thrilled about this new modern classical orchestra hit: "Glorius Times" in D-Minor by Ralf Christoph Kaiser version 3 full score full orchestra leadhseet and parts and high resolution wav file

By Ralf Kaiser

You will get thrilled about this new modern classical orchestra hit: "Glorius Times" in D-Minor by Ralf Christoph Kaiser version 3 full score full orchestra leadhseet and parts and high resolution wav file

dear friends of the music by Ralf Christoph Kaiser, tonight you get the orchestral version no. 3 of the song: "Glorius Times" in D-Minor. This song sounds pretty good and interesting. Little bit dramatic but in the end you reseive the maid. The ending of this song is more harmonic.

You get full score full orchestra leadsheet and parts for this instruments: Double Bass, Cello, Violin, Viola, Piano, Harp, Glockenspiel, Timpani, Percussion, Drumset, Tuba, Trombone 1-4, Trumpet in Bb, Horn in F, Solo Horn , Contrabassoon, bassoon 2, clarinet in Bb 1, clarinet in Bb 2, oboe 1, oboe 2, flute 1, flute 2 and piccolo.

You get everything your heart desires with this score.

Click here

I give to you the hight resolution wav file 24 bit 192 khz and mp3 version for mobile use. Last but not least i give to you the version 1 orchestra meets electronic as mp3 version on top.

Have some fun with it.

Sincerely Yours

Ralf Christoph Kaiser

Dear friends of the music of Ralf Christoph Kaiser and Kaiser Klassix, today you get the song: "Glorius Times" in D-Minor in version 3 arranged for a full symphony orchestra in the resolution 24 bit 192 Khz and additionally as mp3 for the cell phone.
You will also receive the complete sheet music for all orchestral instruments with Full Score Full Orchestra Leadsheet and Parts.
The following instruments are included:
Double Bass, Cello, Violin, Viola, Piano, Harp, Glockenspiel, Timpani, Percussion, Drumset, Tuba, Trombone 1-4, Trumpet in Bb, Horn in F, Solo Horn, Contrabassoon, Bassoon 2, Clarinet in Bb 1, Clarinet in Bb 2, Oboe 1, Oboe 2, Flute 1, Flute 2 and Piccolo.
In addition to these individual parts, you will receive the lead sheet for the conductor and complete sheet music overviews for only wind orchestra without strings and a version for woodwinds in large.

With this download zip you have everything your heart desires.

I also give you version 1 orchestra meets electronic as mp3. For example, this version plays an electric bass synthesizer called the Sharp Wobble Bass instead of the flutes. It is also important to know that the strings (violins) play pizzicato in both version 1 and version 3.
In electronica version 1 there is also a vibraphone, instead of harp and glockenspiel and instead of horn in F and oboe 1.

In the large symphony orchestral version 3, the flutes sometimes play the tones somewhat warped, so that the tones are shifted upwards as a result of a stronger blowing, like a glizando with the violins.
This effect is applied a few times in a row. The trombone also warps the sound extra loud and falls out of the frame. These effects virtually replace the pitch lever on the synthesizer, which is included in the electronica version.
When the classical instruments escalate in this way, the drama of the piece is clearly supported and the special is worked out.
In version 3 for full symphony orchestra, the violas also play short tremolos on the individual notes and the violins play pizzicato. This makes these two string parts sound very expressive together.
There are also very loud strong basses from cellos and double basses and Bassoon 1 and Bassoon 2. These basses bring the foundation and great drama that dissolves and is playful in the higher registers of the woodwinds.

This piece is about 3 minutes and 50 seconds long. It is quite wild and wild. Like a wild ride through the forest. Finally, the knight meets with his lover and sinks into your lap. It currently plays with Merlin and King Arthur with the Knights of the Round Table guarding the Holy Grail. I suspect that the holy grail was an important mineral spring that was created in a golden fountain.

Matching the cover with the golden bowl full of water.

I hope you enjoy the piece.

Thanks for your support!

Your Ralf Christoph Kaiser

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Piano Concerto in A-Minor by Siegfried Ernst now available in store

By Ralf Kaiser

Piano Concerto in A-Minor by Siegfried Ernst now available in store

dear friends of the music by Siegfried Ernst, today you get this fan collection with 24 bit 48 Khz wav files and mp3 files of the complete EP "My Love" including these songs:

1. My Love

2. Thinking about you

3. Please take away these misery

4. Last Angel

All pieces are played on Steinway & Sons Piano in A-Minor.

This is great music, romantic and lyric as well. Lovely and amazing music pieces you never have heard before.

Download here:

Have some fun with it.

Thank you for your support!

Sincerely Yours

Ralf Christoph Kaiser

Dear friends of the music of Siegfried Ernst, today I am publishing the EP My Love with 4 songs played on a Steinway & Sons grand piano by Siegfried Ernst.

The following songs are included:

1. My Love

2. Thinking about you

3. Please take away these misery

4. Last Angel

You will receive the 24 Bit 48Khz Wav Files and of each song also an mp3 version for the mobile phone, including cover artwork.

This music is unique. It sounds like a mixture of Schumann and Chopin, romantic, lyrical, loving and full of ideas. The pieces are performed with a lot of verve and feeling and get under your skin.

Please support this artist by downloading these songs.

He deserved a better living. If you have ideas for concert performances by and with Siegfried Ernst, please contact:

Thanks for your support!

Your Ralf Christoph Kaiser

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Piano Concerto in A minor by Siegfried Ernst and Ralf Christoph Kaiser Part 1: "My Love" in HD Sound and Full Score Full Orchestra Leadhseet and Parts online now

By Ralf Kaiser

Pianokonzerto in A-Moll by Siegfried Ernst and Ralf Christoph Kaiser Part 1: " My Love" in HD Sound and Full Score Full Orchestra Leadhseet and Parts online now

dear friends of the music by Ralf Christoph Kaiser and Kaiser Musix, tonight i give to you this piano concerto in a minor by Siegfreid Ernst and Ralf Christoph Kaiser in full HD Sound quality and with Full Score Full Orchestra Leadsheet and Parts.
This is Part 1: "My love"

You get the piano part as solo recording and the orchestra version.

You get an mp3 for mobile use as well.

Here you find the music video about this song:

In the video you can see 6 swans swimming and starting to fly.

The music video is recorded in surround sound quality.

Have some fun with it!
Sincerely Yours
Ralf Christoph Kaiser

Dear friends of the music of Ralf Christoph Kaiser and Kaiser Musix, today you will receive the first movement of the piano concerto in A minor by and with Siegfried Ernst with orchestral accompaniment by Ralf Christoph Kaiser and Kaiser Musix.
You can hear the first sentence here: "My Love"

In this package you get the orchestral version in full HD sound quality and the scores of the orchestral accompaniment with full score full orchestra and parts.

You will also get the concert recording of the piano concert in the solo version in HD sound.

An MP3 version is included for use on the cell phone.

There is also a video for the song on Youtube:
The video shows 6 swans swimming in the river and then starting and flying in the sky.

With the Youtube video, the recording is mixed with surround sound.

Click here:

There are a total of 4 movements from this concerto. You can listen to the full length piano solo concert here:

The other sentences will also be published here in the shop in the next few days.

The piano recording was made on a Steinway & Sons grand piano.
The orchestral accompaniment is mixed in full HD sound.

I hope you enjoy the music!

Thanks for your support!

Your Ralf Christoph Kaiser

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