The Pronomos Vase in D minor by Ralf Christoph Kaiser Full Sound and Ful Score Full Orchestra Leadsheet and Parts
By Ralf Kaiser

dear friends of the music by Ralf Christoph Kaiser today i give to you the new song: "The Pronomos Vase" in D minor. You get High Resolution wav File and Cover Artwork and Full Score Full Orchestra Leadsheet and Parts. I attache mp3 version for mobile use as well.
Have some fun with it.
Sincerely Yours
Ralf Christoph Kaiser
Dear friends of Ralf Christoph Kaiser's music, today I am publishing the song The Pronomos Vase in D minor. The track is over 11 minutes long and the download is large via 1BG in high resolution wav file 32 bit 192 Khz.
Heroes from Greece play a role in the song around the person of Heracles. It is a hero epic so to speak. This was also shown on a vase called Pornomo's Vase. The cover shows such a vase on a postage stamp from 1983 from Hellas.
I love the Greek gods and heroes' sagas, so I refer to them in this song.
The piece is played by an instrument called a bowed pucket accompanied by a vibraphone and a trumpet.
There are several highlights in the song. At one point there is something like a level up where the instruments pull up together. Later there is a free fall where the trumpet holds the others safely and at the end it is a bit humorous, the trumpet continues to chatter, although the other instruments conclude, as if you wanted to say that there is definitely a continuation , to be continued ;-)
You also get Full Score Full Orchestra Leadsheet and Parts for the piece as a PDF download.
I also give a Mp3 version with it for use on the cell phone.
I hope you enjoy the piece.
and thanks for your support!
best regards
Ralf Christoph Kaiser