News: alternative rock musik

We are - Happy Easter concert by Limoband Live from Munzingen from April 6th, 2023 now in the store as HD sound including lyrics

By Ralf Christoph Kaiser

Wir sind - Happy Easter Konzert von Limoband Live aus Munzingen vom 06.04.2023  jetzt im Store als HD Sound inklusive Lyrics

Limoband met on April 6th, 2023 and we gave a concert at Easter 2023. 5 very good songs came out of it.

You can now buy LIeve usik in HD quality here in the store at . Limo's music is a mixture of alternative rock music and folk rock and also has some elements of punk music in it. The violin also appears in the music, as well as the flute, bass and drums. The electric guitar is part of some of the songs.

The music is unique and lifts you up to the 7th dimension when you listen to it.

The songs build on each other. The hit of the EP is the song: "We are" with violin and bass and drums.

The following songs are on the EP:

01. Introducing Happy Easter concert - with e-guitar and bass and drums 00:00:00

02. Humphry Fidle - with violin and bass and drums 00:06:56

03. Happy time - with flute and bass and drums 00:16:52

04. We are - with violin and bass and drums 00:24:26

05. Thank you thank you - with flute and bass and drums 00:32:11

You can listen to the songs on Youtube:

Lyrics to the Limoband song Wir sind live from 06.03.20223

We thank you for your support!

your sodas

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Now the alternative rock songs by Ralf Christoph Kaiser and band in HD sound

By Ralf Kaiser

Jetzt neu die alternative Rock Songs von Ralf Christoph kaiser und Band in HD Sound

Dear friends of the music of Ralf Christoph Kaiser and Kaiser Musix, today on the public holiday October 3rd, Day of German Unity 2020, I am releasing this new alternative rock song: "I only miss a little something" by Ralf Christoph Kaiser and band. This song is powerful and zippy and instantly brings the listener to life. This music sounds warm and real and handmade and brings great joy with it. The listener feels like he's at a live concert.
The drum is punchy, the bass powerful and the guitars are loud. The singing is extraordinary and penetrating and awakens all the spirits in the listener.

Here you get the song:"I only miss a little somtehing"
There is also the song:"Sweet and Sour"in the same line-up here in the store and the song:"Restarting now i got the know how"...
I wish you a lot of fun with this music!
You get it here in HD sound quality including lyrics and cover.
Thanks for your support!
Your Ralf Christoph Kaiser

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New Hit EP: "Weites Land" by Limoband available in full HD sound

By Ralf Kaiser

New Hit EP: "Weites Land" by Limoband in Full HD Sound available

dear friends of the music by limoband, today you get this new live recording: Weites Land "EP in Full HD Sound. You get Full HD Sound Wav Files and mp3 Version and Lyrics and Cover Art. The download zip archive is about 3GB.
We have had great fun playing on stage. This songs are amazing and the sound is so real and authentic.
Have some fun with it!
Sincerely Yours
Dear friends of Limoband, today you get the complete live concert with Harald Herbstritt on bass, Arndt Lau on drums and Ralf Christoph Kaiser on guitar, flute, violin and vocal. The EP Weites Land contains 6 songs with a total of 42 minutes of playing time. We had a lot of fun making music. You can hear it in the songs too. You get the songs in Full HD Wav File and additionally an mp3 version for the mobile phone and the lyrics and the cover.

You have the choice:

You can buy the zip file here for 12.88 euros and thus support the artists and the band =>

Or you can download the version for free from here =>

The following songs are included:
1. Give me some D
2. Better Way
3. Wide country
4. Sun haze and fog
5. Mall ball you
6. For our grandma
We hope you enjoy it!
Thanks for your support!
Your soda band

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The new Halloween hit for 2019 by Ralf Christoph Kaiser Happy Halloween Sweet Honey in Full HD Sound

By Ralf Kaiser

Der neue Halloween Hit für 2019 von Ralf Christoph Kaiser Happy Halloween Sweet Honey in Full HD Sound
dear friends of the music by Ralf Christoph Kaiser tonight i give to you the alternative rock song: "Happy Halloween Sweet Honey" in full HD sound.
This song is quite funny because it sounds raw and authentic.
Have some fun with it!

Sincerely Yours
Ralf Christoph Kaiser

Dear friends of Ralf Christoph Kaiser's music, release the song "Happy Halloween Sweet Honey" today . It has become an alternative rock number with a lot of esprit. The voice sounds absolutely real, spontaneous and authentic. In addition, the crunchy roaring electric guitar sounds. Everything with a bit of reverb and echo and that's it. So reduce to the max. Simplicity works. The song is simple and uncouth, which makes it so good. A spontaneous expression of joy, so to speak.
Have fun with it
Your Ralf Christoph Kaiser

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